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When you generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from cPanel, then save it, which is a good thing, maybe you do not want to store it on your server. Instead, remove it because you can keep a CSR code on your PC, so there is no need to storing it on the server.


1. Log into your cPanel account.

2. In the Security section, open the app installer by clicking on the SSL/TLS icon.
How to Remove a CSR code from cPanel? - ssl tls icon

3. Under Certificate Signing Request, Click on Generate, View or Delete CSR Link.
How to Remove a CSR code from cPanel? - csr select

4. Under Certificate Signing Requests on Server text, you can see your previously generated CSR. You can see delete the option under Action.
How to Remove a CSR code from cPanel? - csr ssl options

5. Click on the Delete option, which is located under the Action option, and you will need to click on Delete again for the confirmation message.
How to Remove a CSR code from cPanel? - ssl csr delete cpanel

The CSR code will be removed and no longer stored on your server.

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