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You can make a backup of your DirectAdmin account and download it.


How to Generate Backup of your DirectAdmin Account?

1. Login in to your DirectAdmin account.

2. In the Advanced Features section, click on Create/Restore Backups Icon or type Restore in the navigation filter box, and then the option will appear. Click on it.
How to generate and download a full backup of your DirectAdmin Account? - directadmin crestore icon

3. Under Select Items to include in Backup, check-mark options you wish to include in your Backup.
How to generate and download a full backup of your DirectAdmin Account? - directadmin select item to backup

4. Scroll down to the end of page and then click the Create Backup button.

5. It will display a success message like Backup creation added to the queue. Once the backup is generated, it will display a message under DirectAdmin Panel >> In Support & Help Section >> Support Center.
How to generate and download a full backup of your DirectAdmin Account? - directadmin support message


How to Download a Generated Backup of your Account?

1. Login in to your DirectAdmin Account.

2. In the System Info & Files section, open the app installer by clicking on the File Manager Icon or type File Manager in the navigation filter box, and then the option will appear. Click on it.
How to generate and download a full backup of your DirectAdmin Account? - directadmin filemanager icon

3. Open the backups folder, hover your mouse over your newly-generated backup file, and it will display a Context Menu.
How to generate and download a full backup of your DirectAdmin Account? - directadmin click backupsfldr

4. Click on Download, and the file will be downloaded to your computer.
How to generate and download a full backup of your DirectAdmin Account? - directadmin contex menu dwn

Congratulations, you have successfully generated a backup and downloaded it!

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