It’s hard to stop spam email entirely, but you can filter it, discard it, deliver it to the selected folder, etc.


How to Create an Account Level/Global Email Filter?
1. Log into your cPanel account.

2. In the Email section, open the app installer by clicking on the Global Email Filters Icon.
How to Create Account Level/Global Email Filter in cPanel to Fight Spam? - account level filtering icon

3. Click on the Create a New Filter button.
4. Enter a name for the filter in the Filter Name text box.


5. In the filter rules, you can filter email with many options, and should you want to deal with email, which contains a word like Lottery or other words, then in the first list box select Body and select Contains in the second list box.
How to Create Account Level/Global Email Filter in cPanel to Fight Spam? - create filter body

6. Under Actions list select Discard Message.
7. Now Click on the Create Button.

Posted by in Mail Filters & SPAM on September 19, 2016 |

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