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1. Log in to your DirectAdmin Account.

2. In the Account Manager section, open the app installer by clicking on the FTP Management Icon or type FTP Management in the navigation filter box, and then the option will appear. Click on it.
How to create an FTP Account in DirectAdmin? - da ftpmanagement icon

3. On the top right-hand side, click on the Create FTP Account button.
How to create an FTP Account in DirectAdmin? - da createftp accountbtn

4. In the FTP Username field, enter the username you wish to use, such as the firstuser.

5. In the Enter Password field, enter your new password or use a password generator.

6. Choose the Domain option or any other option you wish.
How to create an FTP Account in DirectAdmin? - da createftp acform

7. Click the Create button.

Your FTP Account will be created, and it will display your FTP login details. Copy it in a safe place.

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