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1. Log in to your DirectAdmin Account.

2. In the Account Manager section, open the app installer by clicking on the Site Redirection Icon or type Site Redirection in the navigation filter box, and then the option will appear. Click on it.
How to redirect your website in DirectAdmin? - da siteredirection icon

3. On the top right-hand side, click on the Create New Redirect button.
How to redirect your website in DirectAdmin? - da siteredirection createbtn

4. In Local URL Path If you want to redirect your website page, then enter page name or leave this as it is.

5. Select Redirect Type from the drop-down menu and in Destination URL enter URL where you wish to redirect your website or page.
How to redirect your website in DirectAdmin? - da siteredirection creating

6. Click on the Create button.

A redirect will be created.

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