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web design in kenya

Common mistakes to avoid done by the website developers in Kenya which decreases the quality of websites. We all know that we need to pay the bills. And many of us want just to get traffic to web sites and some of us want to make enough money so that they can pay their costs. This goes especially to bloggers, keep your site neat and professional. The best way to start off is to get web hosting and custom domain for your site.

Web Design in Kenya Mistakes

But, it doesn’t mean you should place a hundred ads on every page of your web site. Lots of banner here and there, a small button or a few links are fine, many web sites that have hundreds of ads on each page! It irritates the user and reduces the time spent by the user.web design in kenya

The worst kinds of web sites are those that have huge advertisements on the page. People surf to get some value not the web looking for banners, hundreds of advertisements to click on. most people are surfing the internet because they are looking to get some (a) information, (b) entertainment, or (c) someone to talk to.

A web site is a good website that offers excellent content it may be graphics, text or video, etc. Even the sites who want to generate first valuable offer content which is of interest to their visitors which provide value. You can tale a look at any good eCommerce site and can see how they are good and will understand what I mean to say. You can look at Amazon or Barnes And Noble and you will see that – these websites first offer tons of valuable content. You can see reviews of their product items that are being sold. This is exactly what people are expecting.

You should Come up with or find the best good product or service. The products or services should have value so the visitors come repeatedly.

Web sites that are just advertisements the visitors just see tons of ads and hit the back button. The visitors want content if they wanted this many advertisements they would have rather buy a magazine or look in the ads section of the newspaper.

Popup Windows – If you do a survey of tons of websites, you may find that some of these offer most hated pop-ups. Nobody likes to pop up frequently while surfing, and if your website has many pop up ads and then you will lose viewers very fast and you may under rank from Google. You may get viewers with a few more clicks and signups for a newsletter etc. Due to this, the visitors remain on your site will be less and of low quality.

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