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Backlinks in Kenya

Yet another SEO post. Here is why you need Backlinks to Drive Traffic to your Blog. We already looked at Search engine Optimization strategies in Kenya and Backlinks was one of them. In this article, we talk about why backlinks are important for any successful blog.

It does not matter what type of blogs you have whether its WordPress blog or any other types of blogs, the only matter is the content and traffic on it. Traffic is a key part of success in the online Business journey. Because more people would lead to generating more sales, and without sales you would have no income on the Internet.Backlinks in Kenya

Here in this article, we will cover how to get links from WordPress blog or you can say WordPress websites. If you just purchase a new hosting and linking it to the new domain does not get any traffic. Because, If you don’t have any traffic will not gonna add any value. So no traffic no sales, no sales no income, If you don’t have links pointing to your website if won’t get success in blogging.

There are basically two types of links dofollow and nofollow .Do follow link allow to transfer the link juice by one website to another and on the other hand nofollow does not transfer any link. So If you have 20 links from sites that are not good in authority will not gonna put any advantages. It is much wiser to get fewer links from higher authority sites will help in indexing your blog faster than more links with no authority.

You can get links from high-quality websites by two methods, First, Research on the web and find high-quality websites on your own and related to your website and find their email and ask them to give links to your site. However, Why they will give a link to a new website with zero page rank?

You just need to focus on the content of your website, If you have powerful content on your website, You would get links easily from high authority websites by convincing them as you have high-quality content on your website. By creating many short blogs you can connect them into your money-making and sales generation website help to build high-quality links in the future.

You can index your websites in more search engines like google, yahoo, MSN, Bing, Yandex which is mandatory for your blog to get visitors. In order to register your websites to search engines, you just need to generate some verification code of these search engines to your website blog and the rest thing is SEO to make your website in no 1 page inside search engine results. By making high-quality content, High-quality links, and SEO would have more visitors to your website.

You can hire a Seo Executive to Index your website or you can do it by yourself but remember one thing “content is the king”. if you don’t have good content inside your website, Seo will not gonna work will reduce your ranking and ultimately you would get huge decrement in your website traffic.

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